I didn't feel like today was a Monday. It was a good Monday. There were funny lines, tired, but not grouchy kids, messy play, naps, and more playing. Today was the definition of why I do what I do.
Yes, this was extremely messy. Yes, I love it too. It's completely worth it when the child(ren) is rubbing shaving cream all over themselves, saying, "I love you," over and over again. I wasn't sure if they were speaking to me or the activity, but I'm good with it either way!
I definitely had to send disclaimer texts when a child shared his experience of hitting his head and going to the hospital. It happen a couple of months ago, but he told all of his little friends it happened this morning. and continued talking about the hospital. Soon, the kids all thought the hospital sounded amazing and informed me that they too were going to hospital for hitting their heads. I had to send the, "nothing happened today, they just all want to go to the hospital for a nonexistant injury" text. Fun stuff (and also completely hilarious).
Third grade language arts threw me for a loop. I think I rejoiced more than the nine year old when I finally figured out the cross word puzzle....only to realize the cross word didn't have to be turned in. It was just for practice. If the teacher wasn't an online teacher, I'd probably have a smart ass comment or two.
We're trying to teach the dog not to grab food from the kids table, especially right from their hands or plates. He's figured out he should simply lay under the highchair and wait for things to fall. Also, it's a great idea to follow around the same kids who feed you from the highchair because they just hand over the precious stuffed animals. The dog feels like won the lottery most days.