This child put our learning of splatter painting to use!
"What kind of art is this?" a child asked me as she splattered herself with washable neon paint. I laughed and told them they were making live art. They were being creative painting themselves, making different patterns, experimenting with how to get the colors they wanted by mixing colors together, rubbing their knees on paper to get a "swirling" effect on their painted legs. It was all part of the morning activity of painting in the backyard. A daycare mom brought me a large, white, photo backdrop that was used in her photography studio and we put it to use!
We've done this activity for several years now and it remains one of their favorites each summer. We've never managed to save one of their outdoor creations because the paper is always sooo beat up after they're done with it, but this year, all on their own, the kids put the focus on making "cool creations on our legs." This is where the live art came from and we got a quick lesson in artistic action. The kids were shocked that they could turn themselves into a piece of art! I love when the kids can learn through play even as they age.