It's birthday month, so the minis are literally getting older this time of year. However, there's been noticable differences that have made me stop and think, "holy shit, when did they get so big??!!?!" Maybe it was the (almost) 13 year old's attitude during strawberry picking or the 11 year old stomping his feet and slamming his bedroom door closed. What really did it was when the 9 year old confidently asked for teal hair and pierced ears. All within the same week.
So, here I sit, watching my 9 year old with teal hair, studs in her ears, and her shorts rolled around her waist a couple of times so, "they're just a little bit shorter." I could be shocked, but I knew this was coming. I've watched my minis act older more and more as the months have passed. 2021 was going to be a big year for us no matter what, but I didn't know that it would mark the year my babies didn't seem like kids anymore.
Ferris Bueller says it best: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."