Saturday, February 20, 2021

February Favorites

1.) We had hoped to find beignet mix at World Market, but they were sold out, so we settled on Cafe du Monde French Roast coffee. The smooth flavors have instantly become one of my favorite coffees!

2.) This song speaks to me because all I do is make things up as I go!

3.) I purchased pH test strips for a science experiment and now my kids (and daycare and other homeschool kids) are obsessed with them! Any food, liquid, or gel is tested asap in our house.

4.) The minis requested boxes of chocolates for Valentine's Day instead of toys (which they usually get), but I couldn't pass up these Lego cinch buckets. I'm hopeful to get in one or two road trips this year and that got me thinking. Every time we pack for a trip, it's always discussed how we can't bring Legos with us. Well, these cinch buckets might make it easier for Legos to travel and not end up lost or in a dog's mouth. Once we have a chance to use them, I'll report back on our successes. Hopefully.

5.) I purchased our Highlander last summer because of the uncertainities regarding the school year. Since we wound up homeschooling, having that as our second vehicle has come in handy. As I state above, we have hopes of road trips or at the very least, more exploring on homeschool adventures. Just for those reasons, we decided a car topper would be useful. I purchased this as a gift to myself for Christmas. I can't wait to get some use out of it!

6.) We attended our first event in nearly a year last Friday. Dome After Dark at the Des Moines Botanical Garden was perfect for our first hoorah in this new life. As the weather warms, we plan for more excursions like this, but plan on keeping it to limited ticketing events.

7.) Numerous works of art each week means we're constantly changing out art work in the homeschool room. Since the walls are cinderblock, we've been using 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips to put up canvases. It's worked great so far!

8.) Check out Expressing Motherhood's March 7th virtual show. I'll be sharing a story about parenting in the pandemic, as well as other performances. It's the perfect ending to my 36th year and a wonderful beginning to my 37th!

9.) My parents had a puzzle of us made on Shutterfly. It's been one of our favorite puzzles to put together!