Usually Friday's energize me. I'm jazzed up for weekend adventures and shenanigans. These days, there's not a lot to get jazzed about. By Friday, I'm finding myself tired and ready for a night in. Maybe it's winter or maybe it's the pandemic? Who knows, but I find myself exclaiming, "it's finally Friday!" every Friday morning. 2zA QASQ
On this Friday, I gave myself an easy day since yesterday the kids were less than stellar. They played, I watched, they did gymnastics and those that didn't told me stories, we did our Universal Yums box and read about the Netherlands, did more gymnastics, played a round of hide n' seek, watched 20 minutes of Inside Out, and had Chicken Nugget Day. That's not actually a thing, but when a child announced that chicken nuggets, fries, carrots and ranch were on the menu for lunch today, the kids excitedly spoke about "chicken nugget day." So, I guess we now have Chickn Nugget Days.
The oldest and I did a collaborative art piece this week. I'm a writer (I'm adding the writing to the drawing), so I didn't even think about the shading possibly rubbing off on my hand...something the artist should have mentioned or at least reminded me about. Instead I got, "ugh! Mom, are you kidding me? Think about the pencil shading please."The hummus chips were amazing! My favorite part of this was the dog, who jumped over the baby gate to join us. He sat with the kids, listened to "leave it!" every time I handed a child one of the treats, and he (somewhat) patiently waited for a chip or two or three to be thrown his way. He continued to sit amongst the kids while I read about the Netherlands and only got up to play when I announced that we were all done. My dog thinks he's a human child.