Welcome to a recap of my longest week EVER!! Seriously, nothing worked in my favor. I was suppose to have a new-ish daycare child start on Tuesday and his start date was delayed a week because of all of the sickness here. I didn't even have any daycare kids all week due to my sick children...apparently no one wanted their kids around my contagious grouches. Go figure. Since my kids have gotten sick since last Saturday, I have done exactly 42 loads of laundry, gone through one and a quarter of huge bottles of laundry detergent, sanitized my house four times over, and locked myself in the bathroom to have a good cry twice, citing "me time" for a confused hubby and two little boys.
I don't think anyone quite understands how horrible I feel when my kids are sick. Sure there's the usual kids are sick stress, but then there's the added stress of worrying about whether to close the daycare for the day(s), informing all of the parents of what's going on, checking on their kids, trying to keep the germs from spreading, letting the parents decide whether or not to send their children around my kids when I remain open. I hate that I even have to have the parents make that decision. It's not like it's easy for everyone to just take a week off of work because my kids are sick, they're worried about their own kids, they have to worry about back up care, etc. These are some of the reasons I started my own daycare and I absolutely HATE when I have to have the families make the decision whether or not to send their own children. However, I also try to be fair and keep the families updated on the health of my kids and how they're doing so they can make the best informed decision possible. I mean, how ticked do you think the parents would be dropping off their kids only to see my kids vomiting everywhere without the slightest heads up??!? Putting myself in their shoes, I know I would rather know about the whole situation. Yet it still doesn't make it any less stressful on myself.
While dealing with the 3's tummy aches, frequent trips to the bathroom, and lots of vomit, I had play entertainer on top of it all. I would say having the other children around 50 hours a week spoils my kids because they have been bored out of their minds! Somehow it's much easier on me having 9+ kids around because they all entertain each other and I'm simply the moderator. With just my 3 this week, I've had to BE the entertainment and lets just say, if I ever wanted to be a performer of any kind, I now know I am not cut out for any part. Thankfully, mostly for the sake of my sanity, Max got to go to school Thursday and Friday. I don't think I could have put up with another day of him running in place, two inches from my face, asking if we can "go build something big outside? Or maybe swimming? Can you teach me how to play outerspace??" Omfg.
Harrison has been my only kid not really affected by this sickness, besides a few tummy aches last weekend. So he was thrilled when he got to go to his first day of three year old preschool Friday morning and didn't have to sit at home. Thursday morning was rough for Big H when big bro got to go back to school, Lily girl pooped and slept the morning away, and no daycare kids around for entertainment. I managed to keep him plenty busy with some educational activities he hadn't done in a while and reading books, but there were still tears throughout the morning.
Friday morning was Harrison's first day of 3 year old preschool. Big H enjoyed his day besides an incredibly rough drop off and saying good bye to daddy. The best part of the day is when Max came home, asked H about his day, and when told about the crying at drop off, he responded "Buddy, you gotta remember Daniel Tiger's "Grown Ups Come Back" and then sang him the song. All while eating a special after school treat of brownies. So proud of my oldest mini and his five year old wisdom.
Friday was a rough day for Miss E, though she does seem to be feeling better. We dealt with several pooplosions, baths, and no nap, but lots of snuggles and cracker eating. Elizabeth was delighted when he brother's came home from school. I'm kind of getting the feeling my kids think I'm boring.....
Unpacking backpacks, led to a filled up social calendar for Mr. Max: birthday party invitations, nature hikes, family activities, PTA meetings for mom and dad that he'd "really like you to plan on attending" (said to me in a very serious voice), and a stack full of school work all with 100% and AWESOME JOB! written on it. I see a special ice cream party in his future this weekend.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Longest Week Ever: September 3 - September 6
Counting out sea animals and grouping them into colors.
Unifix cubes
Just a few of the MANY books we've read this week
The perfect meal for icky tummies: homemade noodle soup (minus the broth for the kids. So really just noodles and veggies cooked in broth) and applesauce
H's special 1st day of school after school treat: mocha brownies with lots of frosting
2 of my minis relaxing on the couch, which is really Elizabeth kicking Harrison, trying to get him to play!
Snuggling his sick sissy