Another one of those weekends for us. The kind where we have lots of fun adventures planned but the minis had something different planned for us. I'm fairly certain winter is getting to them and they've just been off since last Thursday. Friday night we got them out of the house with a trip to the book store and Target, but that only made getting to bed worse. Not one of the three went to sleep until after 10 pm (a good 2 to 3 hours past their bedtimes) and then greeted us before 6 am the next morning with tears, tantrums, fighting, screaming, and all. This made us quickly change our plans for the day and a scheduled fun filled day turned into numerous time outs, lunch at Hy-Vee, naps, and then to the skywalk so we could all get some exercise (although that trip had to be cut short since the three minis were not listening). Saturday was definitely one of those days where I was thinking "how horrible can these kids be???!!?"
Sunday was better (a 7:30 am wake up time helps a lot) and we got to take the kids shoe shopping, bowling, and to celebrate Grandpa Sheaffer's birthday. Despite the toddler/preschooler/kid drama on Saturday, we did manage to cross a couple of things off of our To Do List and had some fun to go with it.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Oh What a Weekend
6:30 am on Saturday and my boys are eating tomato soup and marshmallows. Harrison even went as far as topping his tomato soup with marshmallows. I should have known with this odd combo breakfast that the rest of the day was just going to be odd.
My lil' Lily girl tattling on her brother's for running in the skywalk. As soon as I told her that it was okay for them to do that, she clapped her hands, started yelling "yay!!" and ran after them.
Run, run, run as fast as you can.
Looking in at the RV & Boat show at Hy-Vee Hall. Harrison pointed in and said "oh, we need some of those!" referring to a speed boat and a huge RV.
One of their favorite places to chill in the skywalk.
This is how we do Sunday morning shoe shopping.
"I like to hold my sissy's hand," said Harrison, while I shopped the deals for next winter. I try to shop ahead as much as I can (buy bigger sizes for next winter).
On to bowling at Val Lanes!
Max has been bowling in PE the past couple of weeks, so he was more than ready to try it out "for real" (as he said). Harrison loved it too.
Every time Harrison threw the bowling ball (and yes, I mean underhand throw down the lane) he instantly started jumping up and down, clapping. So was so excited and proud of himself!
The cheerleader, clapping, screaming "yay! Go!" with the occasional jumping up and down for her boys.
Sunday afternoon nap with one of my cuddle kitties.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Although it wasn't exactly the weekend we had planned, it didn't turn out too bad. The bonus to all of it was that there was lots of resting and naps Saturday afternoon (which apparently was much needed for myself). We haven't decided what exactly we'll be doing next weekend with the minis, but we'll do at least one thing on our Iowa Winter To Do List. While we're having fun trying out the things and places on our list, all five of us are feeling the "can't wait for spring" itch. The boys have already started talking about which hiking trails we'll hit first and even bought some hiking boots. The countdown to spring is definitely on in this house!