Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bird Day

Elizabeth (my youngest) has been obsessed with birds since learning about them in school. Her enthusiasm for birds inspired the first theme day of Spring Break for daycare: Bird Day.

We started with a Bird Seed sensory bin that included bird seed, foam birds, butterflies, lady bugs, and a fake plant (all found at Dollar Tree in their craft aisle). The kids played with this off and on throughout the day.

We also did a few art projects: bird cookie cutter painting, making up our own kinds of birds and designing how they looked (they really enjoyed this activity, especially making up names for their birds), and paper plate birds.

We used pipe cleaners for the legs.

The kids had a blast making their paper plate birds. First they decorated the plate with Crayola oil pastels, then they folded them in half, glued on a googly eye, and feathers.
Some kids went a little feather crazy!

Their special treat for the afternoon were "bird seed bars" (otherwise known as Rice Crispy Treats made with chocolate Cheerios). One kid freaked out that I was feeding them bird seed for a snack (I'd love to hear what their parents heard about this one), but the kids enjoyed them.

A few of the activities I did not get pictures of:

The kids got to feed the birds in the front yard and we made a bird feeder for the yard using a toilet paper roll, Sun Butter (no peanut butter because the oldest mini is allergic), and bird seed.

They even broke out our bird book to try to identify the few types they saw. We also went on a "bird hunt" around the yard, listening very quietly for any chirping coming from the trees. They then tried to identify which bird it was by the different chirps we heard.

This was a perfect theme day for a spring day and also a great introduction to the season of spring!