1.) Kohl's Jumping Beans Brand: I don't always have the best of luck with the Jumping Beans clothes (Kohl's own brand), but Thursday night found me shopping and I was pleasantly surprised. I found some cute shirts for the kids at an okay price. I can usually find better deals at Old Navy (which I also did Thursday night) but these shirts were too cute to pass up.
2.) Rides for Our Boys: A BIG shout out to my mother and father in law, my dad and mom, and my high school friend for helping us out with rides to and from school for the boys. With Matt's work schedule all over the place and me unable to leave during the days, we've been fortunate enough to count on them for rides and the help is very much appreciated! We're pretty lucky to have people we can count on for things.
3.) Sleep: 3 nights with 8+ hours of sleep for this mama! I can't even describe how good it feels to get some sleep. Now if my sinuses would clear up that would be great.
4.) Leap Frog: Toys R Us has a new display with Leap Frog learning tools and they have awesome stuff for kids learning math, letters, and reading (geared toward ages 3 - 8). Check it out!
5.) Cool Basil: Delicious Thai inspired food. Makes a great late night dinner on date night in for the hubs and myself. Meals run around $10.
6.) Diaper Bags: Yep, after carrying one for nearly 5 1/2 years now, I still love diaper bags. Why? Because I can fit half of our house in it, which is perfect for our weekend outings. I especially like my large Thermos diaper bag (flowery pattern of course) that I found at TJ Maxx last spring for $20. It's big, lots of pockets, and insulated. We took it to our day trip to the Omaha zoo last spring and was a life saver for cold water and healthy food for the kids!
7.) Roar: I am obsessed with Katy Perry's song "Roar." I especially love that my little Miss E loves dancing to it too!