Since I spend most of my time at home, I do quite a bit of online shopping. With Christmas nearing I of course started my Christmas shopping. In doing so, I happened across Educational Insights Shapes Bean Bags
I couldn't decide what child to give them to for Christmas, but in my mind someone needed them. So I bought them for the daycare. We broke them out for the first time this week and I was shocked at how these bean bags kept their interest as we played learning games (as we call them in our house).
Not only did it test their shapes and colors, but we were able to incorporate counting and letters into our games.
We kept it pretty simple, but our games held the kid's attention for an hour.
We pulled the shapes out of the bag and had the kids tell me the shape and color. Then we counted out the bean bags. Then I had the kids come up and pick out a shape and tell me it's color (ex: where is the circle? After they found it, what color is it?). Then we found the letters of the alphabet on the shapes names printed on the front.
Definitely a great learning tool (or reviewing for a few kids) for my toddlers and preschoolers. If you're looking for an idea for Christmas, put these on your list! These would be great for even an older infant: they're brightly colored, soft in texture, and can be chewed on (and then washed of course). Nothing wrong with starting them early!