This was pretty amazing. I/we had nearly an entire weekend without the kids. The dog made himself known during our weekend, but it was amazingly relaxing! I was exhausted from an incredibly busy week. As soon as daycare closed for the weekend, I was in bed asleep, while the minis were with cousins. The next day they were with grandparents. They came home Sunday late morning....and we watched The Jungle Cruise in the afternoon. Again, the weekend was amazing.
Hubs, Zeus, and I didn't do much. We picked up delicous food all weekend long, we watched movies, I read a book, we napped, the dog napped. It was all so very needed.
The minis got to hang out with cousins Friday night at The Hall.
We brought Zeus to pick up food with us (because he's obsessed with car rides, even though he has car anxiety), so I had to stay in the car each and every time. It was boring.