We had quite a bit of salt dough leftover from my "Let's Use Our Words!" book party, so naturally I decided to make a giant Easter egg with it. It took a LONG time to fully cook through (8+ hours at 150 degrees), 2 hours for it to cool down, 15 minutes for three minis to paint it, 24 hours for it to dry, 10 minutes to paint (love these Crayola's Washable Paints) on the words and bunny ears, and another 4 hours of drying before it was finally completed. But it turned out way cool!
Salt dough: 1 cup salt, 1 cup flour, up to 1 cup of water. I added a tablespoon of vegetable oil to this dough because the kids were playing with it like play dough before we turned it into a giant egg.
Crayon washable paints worked great on the dough. They soak into the dough however, so it take a while to dry.
I had initially wanted to use it as a front door hanger, but it wound up weighing a lot more than I thought it would. The giant salt dough Easter egg still looks good as a decorative piece on the floor though!