I'm still thinking of new ways to use egg cartons and these entered my mind:
Start by cutting out 3 egg shells. Have the kids paint them. Once dry, I took a tooth pick and stacked the egg shell carton one on top of the other (we only made ours 3 shells tall) and a Pom Pom on top, with the tooth pick holding it all together.
I thought of this on a whim and used what I had on hand. Next year I'll find something better than a tooth pick to hold it all together as it was difficult to keep the egg shells from slipping off. This was a perfectly simple project for the week before Christmas. The Egg Carton Christmas Trees came out adorable and make for a perfect decoration.
*Warning: if you do choose to use a tooth pick, it can be very easy to stab, poke, or cut yourself with one as you put the egg shell cartons on. I ended up with a few holes in my fingers trying to put together 5 of these for the kids. Also, because of the tooth pick, I put this together and then kept it up from the kids for their parents.