Not just two but FOUR! Only we didn't do much because Max was still recovering from his tonsillectomy. We kept things quiet and calm as much as possible, watched movies, and spent a lot of time at home. It was definitely a test of my patience and for one of the first times ever, I was more than ready for the weekend to end. Thankfully we had a fantastic Easter Sunday and ended the weekend on a good note.
I had initially taken two days off to go to Harrison's conferences and hang out with the younger two, go places we don't usually get to go during the days, etc. Instead our highlights were cupcakes from our favorite Scratch Cupcakery, going to Harrison's school conference (it got us out of the house), taking a walk around the neighborhood.
Lots of cuddle time on the couch, which quickly turned rambunctious if I didn't stop it in time. Despite being stuck at home, the minis got creative (as usual). Elizabeth played monster with the laundry basket, they made up dances, and made a fort.
Saturday was errand running and cleaning day. My favorite part was being Easter Bunny after the minis went to bed Saturday night. Then I treated myself to a game night with friends and family.
Our favorite grown up game: Cards Against Humanity. The expansion packs are a must as well!
Easter morning and the boys were up early....before it was even bright out! Just as they did Christmas morning, they sneaked into the living room and opened their baskets while we were still asleep. Then they put everything back and re-opened them for us!
Opening baskets with his new hook hand.
The E.B. usually hides eggs in the backyard, but this year she hid them inside because she knew Max wasn't suppose to be running to get them. Instead she hid them in tricky spots around the living room and the very resourceful minis got every single one.
A delicious brunch! This year's Easter brunch was homemade biscuits and gravy, homemade pancakes (I put fresh fruit on mine), and fruit salad.
Elizabeth's new Baby Margaret had to eat with them too. The minis took turns feeding her.
Snuggle time after brunch.
After staying clean for five minutes to get pictures in the front yard, we enjoyed the gorgeous day. Harrison and Elizabeth ate lunch in the tree house and shot baskets with the new hoop.
We're all looking forward to the end of the week when Max's restrictions are lifted (stay tuned for a post later this week all about the tonsillectomy), we can get out of the house. and back to our around town adventures!