Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Another Birthday Partying Weekend

 The kids had another weekend of birthday parties and I had a website working weekend. Thankfully the kids had fun and were entertained AND I got a lot of work done. Win win for all of us. 

 Friday night we had errands to run. This is what a family trip to Starbucks looks like: $20, two very caffeinated beverages, and three extra chocolatey drinks.

 Saturday was a cool and rainy day. The kids got creative with toothpicks and marshmallows. We hit up a couple of daycare closing sales and then headed to a birthday party at Chow's Gym. The kids loved it, despite Elizabeth breaking down with "I just want my mom!" and Harrison biting his tongue (he had to spend the remaining half of the party shirtless after he drooled blood down his shirt. Minus one point for mom who didn't have an extra shirt).

 Elizabeth instantly cuddled up with one of the instructors and started doing all of the stretches and activities.

Harrison's classmate was kind enough to invite all siblings to her birthday party. The kids love attending birthday parties at Chow's. It was a great way for them to get some energy out on a rainy day! 
On Sunday the minis got to go to a "Frozen" birthday party and met Queen Elsa. Even the boys had a great time!

The rest of the weekend was dubbed a Website Working Weekend for me. I got posts written, a lot of brainstorming, and Lauren and I made headway in a new soon to come section of the website! 
Every weekend in May is taken up with school functions, family, a vacation, and more working. Thankfully this weekend was simple so I could save my energy for the panic attack inducing May that's ahead!