The kids have been doing St. Patrick's Day activities all week long and Thursday, we had an early St. Patty's party due to it being over spring break. I wanted something different than typical green cupcakes with frosting...and something just a tad healthier too. So I thought for a bit, searched Pinterest for ideas (and for the first time came up empty on pins), and ended up with this:
St. Patrick's Day Rainbow Fruit Pizza. It was beyond easy to make and pretty much healthy if you don't count the marshmallows and sugar cookie. Here's how to make it:
I used a pouch of Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie mix and once it was mixed together, I refrigerated the dough for 10 minutes before rolling it out. When it was time to roll out the dough, I realized I didn't have a round pan to use to bake the cookie. Getting creative again, I pulled out my pizza pan and put parchment paper down. Worked perfectly.I baked the cookie 2 minutes longer than the recommended time for large cookies. Too bad I forgot to listen for the timer so it got a bit more done than I would have liked. It worked out perfectly in the end because the yogurt I used as frosting softened the cookie quite a bit.
Once the cookie cooled completely, I put on one container of vanilla yogurt. This was just enough to stick the marshmallows onto. I added another 1/2 container of yogurt when I put the fruit on so the fruit would stick better. To get an idea of space and how to shape the rainbow, I stuck down the pot of gold and coins (purchased at Michael's) before the fruit. I sliced strawberries, oranges, bananas, kiwi, blueberries, and grapes, put them on and got this:
The kids thought it looked cool, but were a little timid to try it out. Some licked the yogurt off, a couple ate the fruit off of it, and only two happily ate a piece. They did make a point to ask where the leprechaun was and they were a bit perturbed that the pot of gold and coins were not edible. The one thing I wanted to do with the cookie dough, but totally forgot about doing, was making the dough green. It wouldn't have added to the overall effect, but would have made it more St. Patrick's-y for the kids.