Sunday, June 2, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

I wasn't sure how this weekend would go considering it was supposed to rain all weekend. It did in fact rain, but we got plenty of sunshine and outside time too. As usual, we were plenty busy.

Saturday we were up early to take Hubs to work and do a few things before we had to be at Barnes and Noble for a fundraising event. Add in a head injury and we had a very eventful 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. time frame! From there we attended a friend's birthday pool party and ended our day with margaritas at the mini's favorite Mexican restaurant. It was a well deserved drink for me!

A few rounds of storms left our yard soggy. Very, very soggy.

How I know when one of my minis is actually hurt: there's very little crying and an odd calm over a room as they explain what happened. On this day, the two youngest minis were messing around on the bunk beds when the oldest mini ran in, scared them, and the middle on hit his head on the edge of their (metal) bunk beds trying to hide under covers. Go figure.

Lunch at Barnes and Noble while mom mans the play dough station for the Des Moines Children's Museum.

I was busy, but they wanted books. I sent cash with them and sent them to the register themselves. It was so cute I had to take a picture of them standing at the register. It took all three of them to do it!

Coolest float ever! The kids loved it!

The oldest got the spiciest thing on the menu....and loved it. Of course.

Sunday we enjoyed a day at Adventureland with the minis, dropped the minis off at Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner, a movie, and bed, while Mom and Dad got a date night. It wasn't anything like our last date night out (axe throwing anyone??), but we did have a nice dinner on our favorite patio, followed by coffee, grocery shopping, and a walk around the 'hood. Perfect Sunday Funday.

Getting Dad's feet while he takes his picture for his season pass. It was opening weekend for Adventure Bay, so we spent most of our time at the water park and only rode a few rides.

A cup of pickles and curly fries for lunch.

Mules and margaritas at Gilroy's.

Monday we took in an early showing of Aladdin at Flix and spent the rest of the day getting the house "summer ready" for daycare.

This is how they "get ready for summer."

A HUGE shout out to my dad who came over on Saturday while Hubs worked and I was at my fundraising event. He cleaned our entire deck for us! It was much needed and very much appreciated! The backyard is still muddy and in shambles, but someday we'll make the time to make our ideas come to life!