I so enjoyed looking back on Easter's past the week leading up to this Easter weekend. We had gorgeous weather again this year and spent plenty of time outdoors. The minis enjoyed their new play system (a lot!), we went to the zoo, tried a new restaurant, ran errands, grilled, did yard work, and did an egg hunt at my parent's house. Easter Day was our big yard work day. The minis and I got our garden planted and an area ready for our bee garden.
Here's a few pics:
Always the little entertainer. This time it was "mom, watch me be a flamingo." All while she brushed her teeth.
We got a pleasant surprise when Hubs told us Friday night he didn't have to work the next day. We still got up early, but used it to our advantage to do a few things around the house, take the minis for donuts, go to the Blank Park Zoo's Easter party, try out tenderloins at Nick's for lunch, AND I got to run errands in peace (they all came with me, but we had to do clothing and shoe shopping, so it the team effort was definitely needed!).
The minis got awesome treat bags from the Zoo!
We were one of the first families to board the train so we had our choice of seating. The minis were thrilled to get the very back and ride backwards. This was a highlight of their weekend.
Whenever we're in the mood for tenderloins, we usually end up at Smitty's or Ted's Coney Island (on Ingersoll), but we've been meaning to try Nick's since last year (explanation on the picture of the menu). They were pretty great! Also a surprise was their thin crust pizza--I liked that just as much as the tenderloins!
Lil Miss E had to bring her own purse shopping. We pretty much failed this Easter season with activities. While I did the kid's clothes and shoe shopping, Hubs took the minis to ride the Easter train and wave at the mall E.B. (we had just seen the Zoo's E.B. hours earlier and didn't feel the need to wait in line).
The minis got spoiled with Easter baskets filled with new swim wear and jammies (and also an egg hunt). While the food was good and the company fun, the highlight was a wild turkey flying into their backyard and keeping us all entertained!
Thumbs up for the Peeps cake!
Sunday morning began with a 5 a.m. wake up call from the boys (we had the privilege of keeping them calm until 7:15 when Lil Miss decided to wake up) followed by an Easter Basket hunt (read about that here). The rest of the day consisted of yard work, the beginning of fence building/deck repair, and (big highlight) candy for lunch!
First time trying Bubble Tape. I loved this as a kid and couldn't resist buying some for the minis! Turns out they do not like it as much as I did.
Lego building before the hard work.
We got a fairly decent start on things. I got the side of the house cleaned out, a veggie garden planted, and the site of our future butterfly garden tilled and ready to go!
I'm anxiously awaiting for our project list to get smaller, but it seems to keep growing, keeping us at home quite a bit during the weekends. Until we have a weekend to play, I'll keep re-reading past Easter blog posts. Join the fun and check them out here, here, and here.