Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The House Is Always Messiest When....

We are AT HOME and trying to clean! The kids find a way to destroy whatever we aren't paying attention too.

Whenever we have some time at home, I always envision our time like a commercial: a scented candle going, sparkling clean floors, football on the TV, a meal simmering on the stove, not to mention everyone looks freshly showered and clean. I'll just share that our days at home are NOTHING like that. When we're home our house is a disaster zone. Bad.

Monday was an at home day thanks to an ice storm we had. One mini and I watched a show he wanted me to see while the other two minis were playing "moms and dads and babies." They were playing well (for the most part). When the show was done, I discovered the mess in the bedrooms.

Apparently this is how they play "moms and dads and babies."

While I cleaned the bathroom, they decided to make a figurine fort. You couldn't walk anywhere without stepping on a toy that punctures your foot.

Seriously! The messes! It's not like I'm not used to being at home, but somehow during daycare, the house doesn't seem to get THIS crazy messy. Is it the lax schedule or routine we keep after daycare hours? Is it just my kids?

They did clean the mess up (of course, not without tears because it wouldn't be clean up time without those). The only time my house seems somewhat orderly is long after my kids have been in bed and we've used our last ounce of energy to clean up the leftover dinner mess.

Ok, so honestly parents, is it just my kids that are this messy? Do you control the messes in your house? I'll be honest, the only reason I'm okay with the messes is because they are showing creativity, imagination, and critical thinking when playing their "games." There does seem to be a method to their madness (or something along those lines). I absolutely refuse to stifle that in any way.......but this house! It's a never ending battle.