I've got some big plans for 2017 and plan to squeeze every minute I can out of it. When I began my goal list, I also began a Things To Do list, but then I just got confused as to what I was putting on what list, so I combined them. The list quickly became REALLY long and a bit daunting (even for me) and I decided to do two lists: one for winter and spring and another for summer and fall. So, without further ado, here's my very hopeful goals and things I'd like to do in the next few months. This includes travel plans, things to do at home, things to do as a family, and professional goals as well.
- Sledding
- Skiing
- Winter hiking
- Bowling
- Rollerskating
- Ice skating
- Finish activity book and publish/have book party
- Road trip to Oklahoma and Texas
- Visit Columbus Zoo to see the polar bear cubs
- Cuyahoga Valley National Park
- Weekend at Lake Itasca
- Get passports
- Water park hotel
- Start writing short story
- Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge
- Spring Break fun at home
- See a play at the Civic Center (all 5 of us)
- Make chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day
- Do family puzzle
- Get passes to BPZ, Science Center, and Living History Farms (enhancing our summer fun)