Last Monday, the minis and I went to Barnes and Noble and picked out an array of new books. One of them was Wacky Wednesday. I had never heard of the book, the minis knew it well. When I pulled it out for daycare, every kid took an interest in the book and finding everything that was wacky on each page. After spending a good portion of our Wednesday pouring over the Wacky pages, I recreated/put a spin on our own Wacky Wednesday.
It wasn't difficult to do. I took ordinary things and put them in random places. To keep things simple, I did do them in plain sight and only "misplaced" ten items.
1.) Banana on the window
2.) Shoe on the ceiling fan (this drew the most laughs from the kiddos)
3.) Sock on the clock
4.) Stuffed animal in the play kitchen microwave
5.) Doll upside down in the high chair
6.) Hello Kitty stuffed animal holding an umbrella
7.) Necklace hanging from the ceiling fan
8.) Dog figurine on the picture frame
9.) Pen (taped) on the wall
10.) Christmas tree ornament on a toy
Even my school agers had the best time finding all of Wacky things around. Not only did all of the kids have fun picking out the Wacky, the big kids kept track counting out the items as they went around (I told them ahead of time that their were 10 Wacky things hidden around part of the play area).
Pointing and laughing at the sock on the clock.
All of the kids loved this simple activity (plus it kept them laughing at the end of the day). The bigger kids came up with their own wacky things to do/hide after the activity was over. Using books as a point of reference for activities is so much fun to do and it really helps kids/preschoolers/toddlers relate to the book and understand it. If you haven't picked up a copy of Wacky Wednesday, I highly recommend doing so (think of it as a Where's Waldo type book).