Let me start by saying the weekend wasn't bad at all. It's just that nothing went as planned and if it had, it would have worked out quite nicely. But it is what it is and this is how our weekend went instead:
Friday night we finished up our family painting (post to come soon!) and went looking at Christmas lights. The painting took longer than expected to finish, but we had already promised Christmas lights looking and couldn't break our promise. So two irritated parents and three tired kids drove around looking at Christmas lights.
Saturday morning we had big plans to visit Santas at a few fun events, but looooonnnngggg lines made the waiting impossible. We actually had to get out of line at places in order to be on time (we were still 15 minutes late) to pick up Hubs from work.
I needed a time out from being in incredibly crowded places with three kids by myself so we treated the kids to our favorite Mexican food for lunch. I treated myself to margaritas.
We decided to give up on seeing Santas for the day, bribed the kids with donuts to get them on board with us, and then went to a tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree.
Matt and the kids went to this tree farm last year and loved it. This was the first year I've gotten to go with them to pick out our Christmas tree. I loved the tree farm and we got an amazing tree!
This is Harrison complaining that we weren't getting a "Charlie Brown tree, that's all I want!"
Elizabeth helped cut down the tree!
Saturday night we decorated our Christmas tree and watched football. The sweetest moment of the day came at bedtime. Elizabeth was upset because she's "the only one in our whole house that doesn't get to share a room!" So we moved her bed into the boys room for a Saturday night sibling sleepover. I love having my kids close in age and having a front row seat to their shenanigans. I'm also really happy that Elizabeth has a toddler bed and it's easy to move.
Sunday was a BIG organizing day. Hubs and I cleaned out the basement and re-arranged, threw a lot away, and gave a lot away too. While we were busy with the basement, the kids entertained themselves with an indoor snowball fight. We had hoped that basement cleaning would only take us a few hours, but it took us all day. Of course it went right along with our "not as planned" theme for the weekend.