I'm very fortunate to be self-employed and be able to take days off as needed. I wouldn't classify this past Tuesday as a day off, but rather a day not at home! We spent our morning at Elizabeth's school prepping for her holiday party, enjoying her adorable holiday program, and chatting with other parents and teachers at her class party. I haven't been able to be around too much for her school functions, so it was great to get to know a few parents in her class.
The dances and songs were adorable! Even more impressive was the Bollywood dancing and playing the instruments during certain songs (I did not get a video of the instruments portion). I am absolutely amazed at her teachers and all they have taught her so far this year!
Classic nose picking picture.

We got a couple of "girl hours" in before we had to pick up the boys from school. We went out to lunch and painted nails. Typical girly stuff.
After we picked up the boys we began our spreading of Christmas cheer. Every year the kids and I make cookies and write thank you notes to people who have made an impact or helped us out in the last year (read more here). I absolutely love doing this every year and thoroughly enjoyed talking to everyone on our journey. We ended our afternoon with a trip to KCCI to donate to Toys For Tots and a night looking at Christmas lights.