T'was the weekend before Christmas and all through the house, the kids were going crazy, crazier than a mouse.....
Ya know that crazy, hyper energy kids seem to accumulate this time of year from all of the excitement? Well my minis were bursting with it. I can't really blame them though when we decorated sugar cookies, celebrated two family Christmases and played with new toys.
Our second round of sugar cookie decorating. The minis got very creative: Max decorated a Captain Underpants instead of a plain gingerbread man and Elizabeth used the icing to the best of her ability. Now the cookies are sitting in our kitchen and the kids are refusing to eat them because "they look too awesome!"
While the minis napped Saturday afternoon, I got a start on wrapping the presents....that were to be unwrapped two hours later. I'm a procrastinator when it comes to wrapping presents.
Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Harmeyer's. It was a whirlwind of excitement and wrapping paper.
My parents put one of Harrison's gifts in an empty Corona box. Harrison opened it up and exclaimed "ooohh, I got beer!"
My sister and her Chip cup. I'm rather proud of myself for this gift and insist on showing it off.
I had help unwrapping my gifts.
Delicious dinner.
Tiniest chocolate shot glasses I've ever seen. There was controversy about the shot glasses and the three of us breaking into them early (apparently we were suppose to wait for everyone). The kids and grandma and grandpa did their own toast instead. Oops!
Sunday morning the kids were engrossed in building their Lego's, coloring in their new books, and playing with Barbie's.
Sunday night we went to Grandma and Grandpa Sheaffer's to celebrate. Their favorite part (or so I'm told) was playing with their flashlights Grandma and Grandpa got all of the grandkids.
I was pretty enthusiastic about our celebration apparently.
Both Saturday and Sunday we drove around and looked at Christmas lights. Saturday night was wonderful and several locations had Santa's passing out candy canes. Our recent 50 degree temps have made it hard to get into the holiday spirit, but seeing everyone else spreading it, caught me.
Reality of the holiday season set in Sunday night when we changed our Santa Stops Here In... blocks to 5 DAYS! 5 days until Christmas! As excited as the minis were this weekend, I have a feeling that this week will be filled with overly anxious kids.