Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week In Review

Our daycare week was quite busy! In between the crafts, activities, and reading books, we've been working on table manners at lunch (very interesting with two and three year olds!), using our words with friends and responding appropriately when spoken to, and not using the word "mine" with the toys.

The kids did a lot of different paintings and art projects this week. Our first was with fall scented paints. Read more on that here:

Since our family visit to the apple orchard last weekend (read more details here:, we've been eating lots of apples this week! The daycare kid's first treat was apple nachos (apples with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, and M&M's, although in the past I also used marshmallows and chocolate chips).

The kids get more and more intricate with their playing. They "spruced up" the doll beds before putting them "down for naps."

The kids had tons of fun making Witch's Potions! Read more on the messy fun here:

The projects with little scraps of paper turned out awesome! Read details about their projects here:

The boys found a worm as they dug in the dirt.

The cornbox is still a hit, but the kids have been asking more and more if they can "please swim in it!!??!" The answer is still no (I really don't care to dig corn out of diapers!).

Our neighbor had their tree cut down. This kept the kids busy watching for two whole days! The most exciting part was watching them take down the biggest limbs from the top of the tree. The kids were oooh-ing and awe-ing while I held my breath!

Homemade apple scented paint (flour, water, red food coloring, and apple pie spice stirred together). The kids painted small apples and one large apple to write our Fall To Do List on.

Once the apples were dry (it take around 24 - 48 hours to dry because it's a thicker paint....and the younger kiddos really like to pile the paint on!), we used twigs found in the backyard as the apple stems.

All of the kids spent most of their week playing with Hot Wheels and any and all of our building items. Their favorites this week were the ABC blocks, Magformers, Zoobs, and the yellow waffle blocks (the yellow color only, not the red or blue for some reason).

The kids helped me make homemade applesauce and pumpkin muffins. The kids did a great job of following directions, pouring in the ingredients, and stirring when I directed them to do so. They loved the pumpkin muffins for breakfast the next day and the applesauce for snack.

"The Very Hungary Caterpillar" stickers and foam sheets, all found at Dollar Tree. The kids loved putting this stickers on and creating their own picture. We then read the book while we ate through an apple and the kids pretended they were caterpillars.

Our backyard apple orchard! Read more on that activity here:

Next week, we'll be breaking into our Halloween activities with decorating a  Halloween puppet theater (gotta love putting old boxes to use) and putting on a ghost puppet show, a few Halloween crafts, and setting up the Halloween sensory bin.