We had high hopes of going sledding this weekend but it wound up being quite the warm weekend and most of the snow melted. We did make good use of our time, waking up early both days and taking the kids ice skating for the first time on Sunday.
Friday was Family Fun Night at the boy's school. The kids had a great time playing games, eating ice cream, and seeing their friends. Since I don't get to be around the school much, I love catching up with the teachers and staff and other parents.
Harrison was so excited that there was bowling in the gym. It's all he talked about from the time he got home from school on Friday until well after Fun Night had ended.
We got an early start to our day Saturday morning and managed to get out the door by 7:35 a.m. with even trying!!! That's one for the books I tell ya. We fueled ourselves with heart shaped donuts from Dunkin Donuts and coffee from Starbucks before hitting Target, the craft stores, and grocery store.
Oh yes and pancakes made a scene in our errand running.
Saturday night we celebrated my mom's birthday with family. The kids got in on the celebration with Kiddie Cocktails (made by my aunt).
My sister and I chatted about her job.
Trouble DOES always find him!
So here's my pride and joy....
Sunday morning we woke (again) with the sun and had time for crafting, decorating Valentine's for their class parties, and putting together sensory activities for the week. I'm not usually a morning person but it did feel great to have such productive days.
I had help putting together the sensory bin.
Then we were off to brunch at our favorite, Star Bar and went ice skating at Brenton Skating Plaza. It's been about 10 years since I've ice skated and felt like I need to re-learn a few things. Thankfully the minis had their Skate Helpers to push around on the ice because I totally relied on that thing to while helping them out!
No more kiddie plates for the boys! They're on to BIG breakfasts now.
Elizabeth polished off two pancakes, bacon, and fries for her brunch.
I've wanted to try out ice skating with the minis for the past couple of years but always worried about them managing to cut themselves on the skates. Seriously, if any kids could manage it, it would be mine. Despite the rink being very crowded, the weather was perfect (so perfect that the ice was actually getting slushy in spots) and we got in two great hours of skating.
- If you plan on heading to Brenton Skating Plaza to do some skating, it is considerably cheaper to go during the week. It was $55 for us to go on the weekend (that included admission, skates, and three skate helpers--and the two youngest were free (children under 5 are free)).
Sunday afternoon included naps and then watching the Super Bowl. For the first time the minis got into the Super Bowl and watched the first half of the game with us.
I'm really excited and pleased that we've been able to spend as much time outdoors as we have this winter. It's really helped with the attitude levels here (mine included). I've been extremely pleased that we've been able to get out and try some new things. We have yet to experience our typical end of winter, cooped up feelings because of this. Stayed tuned for our weekly Weekend Planner to see what we'll be up to this weekend!