I'm done walking into my mommy friend's houses, only to have them instantly apologize for the state of their house. I feel silly when I have to console my mommy friend about how her house looks. To me it looks real, lived in, loved, and has an untold story.
Here is our love seat, also known as my clean laundry holder. The top picture is what the couch looks like when I finally get all of the clothes "put away" (you will see what I mean by "put away" in a few moments). It looked this way for 2 hours before......
Four loads of clean laundry made their way from the laundry room to the couch. I got most of the clothes separated and put away......
In the mesh laundry baskets in each bedroom. From here, they'll get put away in dressers and closets as soon as I make time, which will mean missing sleep or not playing a game with my kids or skipping a bedtime story.
Oh, and when I do fold and put away the clothes, they all get dragged back out the minute I say "go find a shirt to wear" in the morning.
This is the scene under said love seat. Books, play food, cat toys, a sucked on Skittle, a dried up fruit snack, and school papers from last school year greeted me when I moved the sofa. I cleaned up and saved our other sofa for another night.
Maybe a black t.v. console wasn't the best idea with three kids and two white cats around. The last time this got dusted....well, I spare you all that shock. But I do know I handed the kids rags and told them to wipe anything they could touch. Therefore, I blame this dust build up on my two year old.
Wipe any surface in my house (other than the kitchen counters and table we eat at--those get cleaned quite frequently) and this is the result.
None of our beds have bed skirts on them (you've also discovered my stash of wrapping paper and our cat hiding from me) anymore. Bed skirts around here are taken off and used to make forts, play hide n' seek, or roll up a little brother. The last time I caught a glimpse of my bed skirt was as I check on the kids in the backyard and realized it was being used as a roof for a cube climber fort.
Toys in the dishwasher is a common sight.....at least those are clean!
Embrace your mess mom's. Embrace every crumb. Every ball of dirt that doesn't get cleaned up. Embrace your mommyhood. This is what a real mom looks like at the end of the day:
Please note the sweaty forehead, no make up on the face, as I quench my thirst and regain my adult mental state with a beer as I hold my two year, who won't go to sleep because she wants to try to "poop on potty" and watch "Elmo's Potty Time."
This is a real house being kept by a real mom with a real family. Life is grand.