Obviously the year is winding down so that means that the kids are wound up (it may have something to do with the lack of outside time permitted during this cold snap we've been experiencing). We've had daily dance/Ring Around The Rosy parties, although the Ring Around The Rosy has had to be closely monitored because it's become a game to see how hard they can throw each other on the ground when "we all fall down" comes.
Our week went something like this:
Monday: Painting, crafts, reading Christmas books, singing Christmas songs, numerous rounds of Ring Around The Rosy, staring at the Christmas tree.
Tuesday: Playing with the Little People Santa train and LP Navity (we worked on taking turns with the train because everyone wanted to play with it), baking 300 cookies (mostly the kids sat in the kitchen and watched me every time I had to make a new batch. We may have sampled a cookie or two as well), singing Christmas songs, reading Christmas books, even more rounds of Ring Around The Rosy.
Wednesday: Christmas movies, cookie decorating (all afternoon!), Christmas books.
Thursday: A day off (or something like that). Read about that here.
Friday: "Free Day" which included an impromptu tea party (with water) which lasted all morning, Christmas books, and our usual end of the week dance party
Here's a few fun pictures from the week:
The Santa train that every kid loves.
One of the many reasons I love it when the big kids are here (although this was before school) is that they help the littles. The big kids often times set things up for the littles (as they watch on...and then catch on quickly how to do it themselves) so they can play. Here Harrison (the middle mini) set up the panda village for them.
Painting with Christmas tree branches.
The "zoo."
One kid pretending to go potty in the doll house potty. Then all of the kids took turns "going potty."
Frosting cookies isn't one of the kids favorite things to do, so I frosted the cookies and the kids put the sprinkles on. We went through a lot of sprinkles!
How four years old watch Christmas movies.
Christmas Cheer Day was quite the success! Read about our day here and what Christmas Cheer is here.
The tea party, that included water, play food, and a real cookie.