Disney birthday party themes have been around for awhile. I know I'm dating myself, but I remember many Little Mermaid birthday parties as a child. It's no surprise the super popular Frozen has been a recent trend (just ask Miss Elizabeth), but there's also Cars, Big Hero 6, and other great stories that make great party themes.
When scrolling through Paperless Post's new line of Disney invites, inspiration struck! I would love to plan a Minnie Mouse birthday party for my little sister! No, I don't have a seven year old sister - more like twenty-seven! But my baby sister shares a November 18th birthday with the one and only Minnie Mouse! While sixty years separate them, Minnie is timeless and it would be so fun to have a little throw back birthday party.
One of the reasons we fell in love with our home is how great it is for entertaining. Whether it is a backyard party (like our wedding last summer) or a gathering inside, our house works well. So with a location in mind, I looked to Paperless Post for an invite idea and fell in love with this one.
Embarrassing childhood photo required
If you aren't familiar with Paperless post, you absolutely need to check them out. They offer chicinvitations that can be sent via email AND via snail mail! That's right, design one invite, and send them electronically to everyone you can and send printed ones to grandparents, plus have a couple keepsake invites to save! You can use paperless post to track RSVPs and more! I totally fell in love with them when planning a baby shower a couple years ago!
Okay, back to the party! When it comes to decor, it was a no-brainer to turn to good ol' Pinterest. Seriously, is there anything you can't find on Pinterest? I looked at hundreds of cute ideas and found ones that were practical and would be easy to make or put together. But one of the things that makes Disney-themed parties my favorite is the availability of cute supplies! Seriously - you don't have to be a DIY Craft Queen to put a Disney party together! A quick visit to nearly any party store will have dozens of options for you to choose from! Here are my picks:
DIY Plates & Ears - how cute are these? Super easy and I could put them together well in advance!
DIY Dum Dums Decoration - Hello floral foam and glue gun! I wonder how many episodes of The West Wing I can marathon while I put these together?
Cupcakes - SO many cute options on Pinterest! But I've seen enough DIY-Fails to know when to call in the professionals. Ashlen and I have used our friends over at Creme bakery and I know they could whip these up!
DIY Centerpieces - Oh, hello more floral foam and glue!
Favor Bags - These would be super easy to assemble in advance. Unlike treats and small toys for kids, I'm thinking a small bottle of wine and a couple wine glasses for each guest? Nothing fancy, you know I like my buddy $2 Chuck ;)
So that's how I'd plan my 'baby' sister's Minnie Mouse birthday. Ooh, and maybe these treats too! Any ideas for entrees? Add your comment!