We had a great week at daycare! This week the kids wanted very little to do with the activities I had planned or any guided play/activities. So we set them aside for another week and instead the kids simply played. They emptied out bins and buckets of toys. They built Lego cities and block castles. They played "bad guys" with flashlights and claws (courtesy of a McDonald's Happy Meal). The best part of all of this is that the kids got along and played wonderfully together. It was by far one of the easiest weeks in months....a few days I even got a bit antsy from just sitting and watching them play!
I loved seeing what the kids came up with. Here's a look at our days:
We started our week with a Daniel Tiger Day. The kids have been looking forward to "Daniel Tiger's New Baby Week" since July. We devoted an entire day to the kid's favorite show. Read more here: http://ashlen-kidspert.blogspot.com/2014/08/daniel-tiger-day.html
One of many block castles and cities built throughout the week.
We had Max's back to school night before school started. We made it a family affair so Max could show off his school to his brother and sister. Elizabeth had fun playing in Max's locker, Harrison laughed at her, Max rolled his eyes, all while Matt and I tried talking to the school staff about their summer's. We're all really excited about Max's first grade school year and we love his teacher.

Back to school night requires a trip to Snookies. Not only were the treats delish (as usual), but we ran into sooooo many friends that our quick visit for ice cream became a few hours long! After chatting and catching up with folks we don't see nearly enough (and the kids played on Snookies patio), we went for a (very) late dinner to El Rodeo....where we ran into even more friends!
It was one of those nights that left us feeling full: full of yummy food and full of happiness from spending time with friends.
Playing "Batman in Gotham City."
Our backyard has been extra muddy this summer, so I got out bowls and utensils for them to make mud pies. I was surprised no one got extremely muddy.
Dad and boys watching another new episode of "Daniel's Tiger Neighborhood."
Building a train station.
Painting with shaped pool noodles. The kids made some pretty cool designs with these. It was also a great color review for the kids.
Max's first day of first grade! We celebrated with Scratch cupcakes when he got home.
As if my days weren't busy enough, I found myself in a craft store Wednesday evening preparing to write an article for a company on DIY invites. It was quite a task, but turned out great and I was able to involve the kids too.
A race track and concession stand. I am amazed at what they came up with this week!
Stylin' in her shades on a sunny day.
This is what I get when I tell him to pick out his own clothes. We even went to Target with him dressed like this......he was quite proud of himself.
Next week we'll get out the sprinkler (after school has started is when we hit our 90 degree days of course), experiment with veggie and fruit painting, try out some new slime recipes, read new books (the best part of back to school time: Scholastic book orders!), have a Dr. Seuss Day, and play the instruments outside....that is if the kids want to do these things!