Our Christmases never end! Or that's the way it seems. On Saturday, through the rain and fog, we had my dad's side of the family's Christmas. It's incredibly laid back, the minis finally got to play their Des Moines Opoly board game they received from my parents, and we got to enjoy a full day of extended family and catching up. It was wonderful to see all of the aunts, uncles, and cousins, and impressive that we had nearly everyone with us!
Sunday was our annual Gift Card Day. It's the day we take the minis out and let them spend all of their gift cards and holiday cash. In the past we made an entire day of it: shopping, treats, going out to eat, etc. This year we kept it to Target and coffee at Starbucks....mostly so that we could get back home, so the minis could play with their new toys (and I could set up the house for a full daycare day on Monday). For some reason, Sunday seemed to drag on and on. Not in a bad way, just as if we had endless hours. Christmas break can do that to people I guess.
I got to start the weekend with a night out with my sister and cousin. We headed to Valley Junction, a place I've spent quite a bit of time exploring the month of December, and ate dinner/snacks at Vino 209 and had specialty drinks at Winchester Pub.
My cousin gave Elizabeth an old sweater/jacket of hers. Elizabeth instantly fell in love. She's pretty much worn that thing nonstop for the last week.
Saturday family Christmas at my grandparents house:

Obviously some good ham (above) and we've obviously had a lot of Christmas (below).

My sister and I showed up in black and white matching outfits. Completely unplanned.

Lego sets were finished and new clothes were worn. Elizabeth had a unique way of putting her jeans on.
The minis had a BLAST shopping and spending their gift cards and cash. We also had a blast going through clearance for $5 white elephant gifts for another family Christmas on New Year's Day.
This toy wasn't on any of her wish lists and she's never told me she wanted it before this day, but suddenly the doll head was what she's "been dreaming of." Whatever.
Our stop at Starbucks included potty breaks, new cups and ornaments, and caffeine. Mid-day pick-me-up.

And our night ended with an improv contemporary dance by Elizabeth. I have no idea where she gets this stuff from. As Hubs said, "please don't let anyone from Nickelodeon or Disney see these or she'll be the next one on a show that talks to the camera." Evidence they've made him watch a few Disney shows they love.