Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sledding Weekend

This weekend had one of those magical times that will always remain a fond memory. We hadn't seen measurable snow here in Des Moines, Iowa so as soon as I saw we had snow and it was semi-warm out (30 degrees in January is warm around here) we took advantage and went sledding! 

Friday night was family movie night. We got take out from El Michoacano (the vegan flautas were ah-maz-ing) and watched Christopher Robin. Then we waited for the snow.

Harrison had acting class Saturday morning, so Hubs took him and picked up breakfast and coffees from La Mie since I really didn't feel like going out (or leaving my bed). Most of the day was spent lazing at home, until mid-afternoon when we ventured out. We had a few errands to run and we had an early dinner at Teddy Maroons.

Harrison and Elizabeth made the most of our time inside and at home by mixing up their favorite sensory activities. This was baking soda snow colored various colors. I'm now out of baking soda and food coloring.

Since we dragged the minis along to look for dresses and shoes to wear for our upcoming Giggle Gala, we treated them to Scratch Cupcakes. Then the fun began. Even though it was nearing bedtime, we put on our snow gear and walking up to the school yard at the end of our block. The next two hours were spent sledding on the hill, sledding on sidewalks that had yet to be cleared, and running through the empty streets in sleds. 

It was a night I'll always remember! We had so much fun (minus one toy going lost in the snow that the middle mini had stashed in his pocket)!

1.) If you haven't tried the Just Dough! at Scratch Cupcakes, we highly recommend the Monster Cookie variety. 2.) Give a 6 year a little spoon to eat with her Just Dough!, she'll also use it to eat snow.

Sledding while snowing. It only added to our magic.

Yes I ran my children around on the sleds on the hilly roads around our house. Surprisingly I wasn't sore or tired after this.

Sunday morning I slept....and slept and slept some more. I was tired and the energy just wasn't happening for me. The minis had plans to go to our favorite sledding spot in Des Moines (Waveland Golf Course), but I just couldn't work up the energy for it. Instead I stayed home and worked on taxes for daycare, while Hubs took the minis for a 3 hour sledding fest. 

Clearly tax prep didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked, but at least I got to do it from my bed.

The socks said it all: SUNDAY FUNDAY!!