Saturday, January 5, 2019

Christmas Weekend


With the way the holidays fell this year, I got FIVE full days off for Christmas! We had a wonderful time and got to spend time with family, friends, and each other.


Saturday was our whirlwind day that was spent on the go. We went for an early breakfast, dropped Hubs off at work, stopped by Michael's craft store, had our Saturday morning coffee date, and spent a few hours at the Children's Museum. 

 The line to see Santa at the mall was crazy long (I heard reports of a 2 hour wait in line from other families). I was very happy we got our Santa visit in early!

After the Museum we grabbed some snacks and hit the ground running around town. I saved all our gift card getting for family members until last (as usual). This year required us to go from one end of town to the other and then back again. I could do this earlier in the season, but this is the third (or maybe fourth?) year we've had a Gift Card Getting Day and we actually had a blast doing it. There were minimal tears involved too, despite the long day out of the house.

 We took some time to pick up Hubs from work and eat an early dinner/late lunch at Zombie Burger in the East Village during our runs.

 The vegetarian chili cheese fries were fantastic!

 Target was our last stop of the night. Elizabeth had spent all afternoon asking me to find her a bathrobe to wear for Christmas Day. I failed to ask why she wanted one so badly, I just said ok. Because in the grand scheme of things, a bathrobe is no big deal. We found one at Target and she was ecstatic. Of course, this meant both of the boys wanted one, but I told Harrison "no, not right now," because we couldn't find one in his size. He cried and took it out on Elizabeth.
Elizabeth cried and stood in front of the Christmas ornaments saying, through tears, "pick an ornament Harrison. Pick anything in the store and put it in the cart and I'll buy it for you!" Funny because I was the one paying....
For those curious, we found the boy's robes the next day on an emergency trip to Kohl's because we can't have bathrobe unfairness over here. Also, I finally inquired about Elizabeth's robe obsession and I discovered it was because there were several girls in her school that wore robes for pajama day at school. She instantly felt the need to get her own because that's one thing she didn't have. I wouldn't have bought her one if I knew the only reason she wanted one was because her friends had one.

 My feet were sore after 14 hours on them with no resting time.


Hubs and the oldest ran to Kohl's (for the coveted bathrobes for the boys) and the grocery store while I got a start on wrapping gifts. Late in the afternoon we went over to my parent's house for our first Christmas of the season.

 The only way to make it through the holidays is taking plenty of breaks. I took mine with coffee and a new book to brief myself before our next adventure in February. Planning is well underway.

 The minis insisted on wearing their robes to Grandma's and Grandpa's. They wouldn't get out of them for the next 3 days.

My sister got the kids squishy zoo animals that poops when you squeeze it. Of course they would love that.
I'm in love with this wrapping paper.
In love with their new toys. My favorite Elizabeth line "I got a box!" She says it just like Charlie Brown "I got a rock" in the Halloween show. I can't remember where her line originated, but I know it happened once when she opened up a present and said "you got me a box??!!?" She's expected to say it now at every holiday and birthday.

Monday, Christmas Eve

Hubs had to work Christmas Eve morning and I knew I wanted to sleep in as much as possible. I left out a table full of holiday crafts for the minis to do while I slept. I wasn't able to sleep too late due to the middle mini playing his drums quite loudly. Instead I decided to clean the house and get ready for our big Christmas Eve plans. We kept up our Christmas Eve traditions with our second Christmas of the season with my mom's side of the family, followed by Christmas lights viewing in our favorite neighborhood, and ending the night wrapping presents and drinking with friends (while playing Santa of course). 

The Beatles Lego set was put together as soon as he woke up! Meanwhile, Harrison found boxes from all of our Amazon deliveries and created a Hatchimal/Fingerling house.

Elizabeth set up her American Girl doll collection. She is now up to 1 Bitty Baby, 2 dolls, 2 Wellie Wishers, and 3 mini dolls. 
Then there was Harrison's drum set. The cats hid or sat on the couch with their ears back half of the day. I did the same.
A wonderfully fruity drink for Christmas Eve dinner at my Aunt's house. I spent a good portion of the next 24 hours with a drink in my hand. January is for detoxing.
The minis were sooooo excited to open presents, but waited soooo patiently through dinner by watching Christmas cartoons.

Elizabeth's new LOL dolls kept the minis busy after present opening. If you haven't had the pleasure of unlocking these dolls, I envy you.

Luminaries in the Waterbury neighborhood and looking at lights on Christmas Eve is one of my favorites. By the time we were done, the minis were exhausted. They went to bed as soon as we got home (after one last drum jam sessions that is) which means Santa got an earlier start.

As usual, our friends came over, drank Rumchata Eggnog with us, wrapped gifts, and helped to eat Santa's cookies.We went smaller with Christmas this year as we have quite a large (and expensive for a family of 5) summer vacation planned. We spoke with the minis about it well before Christmas. They never once commented on the smaller Christmas and thanked us over and over for their gifts. 

Tuesday, Christmas Day

The minis woke up later than I thought they would (7 a.m.) and took their time opening gifts. Usually they tear through things, but this year they took the time to watch each other open gifts, had a conversation in between presents, and inquired about breakfast options halfway through. 
I love Christmas Day in our home. We made the decision years ago to spend our day at home with each other. We open our door to any family and friends who would like to come for an all day mimosa bar, A Christmas Story showing, jammies and food all day long. It's so relaxing and just the Christmases I wanted the minis to remember when they're older.

Santa gifts this year included a Kindle, a snoring dog (not real), and mini American Girl dolls.

We broke down and had our first Christmas with electronics. They got a retro Gameboy, a handheld Oregon Trail game, and the tablet. 

While Hubs and I got brunch ready we noticed the cats were pacing around the house. I couldn't figure it out: they had food, water, more food, pets, cuddles, litter boxes cleaned. Then I noticed Harrison had set it stuffed dog on the couch, looking out the window in the exact spot the cats lay. They are not fond of this present Harrison received.
Playing quietly in her room with all of her new dolls while listening to Christmas music.
Harrison whipped up some glow-in-the-dark slime. Santa really knew what she was doing when she ordered the box of Elmer's Glow-In-The-Dark Glue.
Grandma and Grandpa Sheaffer stopped by late morning and surprised the minis with gifts. Grandma and Grandpa Harmeyer stopped by in the afternoon with new stuffed animals.

New toys everywhere!
Mimosas all day and endless meats and cheeses. I rarely eat meat these days, but I had plenty in between Christmas and New Year's Eve. Again, January is for detoxing.
My meat and cheese Christmas tree. It wouldn't be a good day unless I got creative in some way.
Our showing of A Christmas Story turned into a 2 hour nap for me. The minis watched the movies then went back to playing with their new toys while I continued snoozing.

The minis went to bed on time and fell asleep easily. Harrison slept with his Fingerling Hugs around his neck, while the other two curled up with their new bathrobes. With the minis in bed at a decent time I was able to get a start to the holiday clean up. Kind of boring, but it needed done badly!
I'm in love with my gift from Hubs! I've had my eyes on these shirts for a few months, but I completely forgot about them. When Hubs started to tell me about the company that makes these shirts, I instantly wanted more!


Typically the day after Christmas is reserved for my Grandma Ann's (my dad's side of the family) Christmas. However, that was moved to the following weekend due to work schedules. I still took the day off because I know there was no way I'd be able to get myself and the house ready for kids on the 26th. Instead, for the first time ever, we had a Day After Mom and Minis Day. 
We made it out of the house and did some Christmas clearance shopping and went to Flix Brewhouse to watch Mary Poppins Returns. We had a fantastic few hours. I wouldn't mind continuing this Day After fun in the years to come.

Sometimes it's ridiculous how close they are, but I sure wouldn't have it any other way.
As we shopped through the mall before the movie, the minis spotted Bath and Body Works. They rarely go in this store so when I gave them the go-ahead, it was a frenzy of spraying, rubbing, and sniffing. Surprisingly, we only left with a few containers of hand soap and several hand sanitizers to be used at school. Thankfully it was all on sale.

I couldn't bear another drink the day after Christmas, but the Candy is Dandy sounds phenomenal. I'm hoping they still have it when we return for a January movie.

Let's remember for a minute how many vacuums I broke during our pumpkin patch and corn pool days in the fall. Our one decent vacuum finally went kaput so Hubs went to Target and surprised me with a new vacuum. So far we love it.....but it hasn't had to stand up to hay bales or anything crazy on the carpet. Yet.

The thing that made me happiest this Christmas is that NO ONE WAS SICK! The past several years at least one of us is sick for Christmas and has to miss one (or all) of our Christmases. For the first time in recent memory, we were all healthy and got to enjoy all of our Christmases and our family in town for the holidays. I'll happily take more Christmases like this one.