Today was a special day. It was. It really, really was, but special in it's own way. I was supposed (key word here) have the day off. Off from work completely: writing, Museum, daycare, and a few hours to myself where my three minis weren't attached to me. Sure I have plenty of writing and projects that need that final touch, but I was content with putting those on the back burner until next week.
My day was supposed to go like this: surprise the minis with a special donut breakfast, send them off to school, have a few hours to myself. I could go back to bed, finish those last few Christmas errands, get a pedicure, watch anything and everything on Netflix, go to lunch with a friend, buy surprise cupcakes. Then the special memory making afternoon was to happen. I was supposed to pick up the minis early from school and deliver our Christmas Cheer, followed by a surprise movie at the theater. It was going to be a good day.
I went to bed contented in the rough plan for the day. Then 5 a.m. rolled around. I had fallen asleep on the couch writing and was abruptly woken by a crying mini, "Mom, I threw up in my bed. What do I do now." Let's just say we were all up at that point. From there the other two minis talked their way into staying home too (the youngest one is really good at pretending her tummy hurts). I suddenly went from having a few hours to myself to being puked on, coughed on, cried on, and needed every second.
I'll admit it, I got a bit teary about the situation. This was a needed recharge day. Suddenly, with one upchuck, it was all down the drain (literally). Mid-morning I got a bit of a break and sat in my room. The minis were enthralled in Prancer and I got some breathing room. Enough room that I had time to think about what to do with the lemons handed to me.
The middle mini was feeling ok by midday, so we loaded up the van (puke bowl and all), flipped on the Christmas carols, grabbed Starbucks (um, 5 a.m. wake up call people), and delivered those darn cookies all around town. The middle mini had a nap in the car while the other two did all of the running and cheering. We ended our Christmas Cheering by grabbing take out and heading home to watch The Santa Claus.
As I tucked my minis into bed with promises of an extra fun Mom and Minis Day tomorrow (as long as everyone feels well), I realized this was perfect lemonade that we made. It was totally not the day I had envisioned (as someone who envisions big, that doesn't always go over well), but I can guarantee you in the years to come, we will remember this Christmas Cheer Day above all else. All of the best moments in my life have been when something doesn't go as expected. This will be one of those days that will bring us smiles and laughs. I just needed a little mom cry before I could make the lemonade with the lemons handed to me.
By the time we got done with our deliveries, he was hungry for McDonald's pancakes, followed by everything else we had in our cupboards.