Remember when your parents told you NOT to play with your food??? That rule doesn't apply here at our house where we do everything from play with noodles to make paint brushes with them (see Spaghetti Brush Painting post for details). We've done a vegetable sensory snack where the kids touched, played, licked, and ate a variety of veggies. This time we tried painting with the vegetables.
The kids painted with broccoli, carrots, and potatoes.
Elizabeth happily dove right in before I had time to explain what the activity was.
These kids must be use to my lets try this antics because not one of the kids even attempted to try to put one of the veggies in their mouths. I watched closely because I had 20 month old - 4 year old painting with them, but no one mistook the vegetable painting for their morning snack. Next week the kids will get the opportunity to do fruit painting using oranges.