Each year I let the minis choose what they want to do, eat, see, on their special day. This year, Elizabeth chose to play dolls outside, do make up, and eat french toast for breakfast, cake for morning snack, waffles for lunch, yogurt and crackers for afternoon snack, and McDonald's for dinner. Grandparents came over in the evening to deliver gifts (think American Girl doll items galore). The night ended in exhausted tears, but it was a great day for the big FIVE YEAR OLD!
Obligatory night before the big day pictures.
The birthday girl requested two cakes, "one chocolate and one vanilla....but I'm only eating the chocolate." The whole hand cake was Hubs idea and it turned out great!
Singing Happy Birthday outside. She sang to herself (along with the other kids).
Watching "Full House" in the afternoon.
Next mini's birthday to look forward to is Harrison's. I'm told we're having s'mores for dinner.