It really was the loveliest of weekends with family, friends, and trying out some new places in Des Moines.
Saturday morning I had my hair done (I'm blond again for the first time in at least 10 years). After my much needed hair dye, we stopped by Barnes and Noble for a kids story time and exploring the travel section for our upcoming adventures.

Story time included a craft afterwards.
Saturday afternoon was quite exciting! Lauren (aka- the other half of Kidsperts) opened up a photography studio and we attended her open house. I am so proud of her and all of the hard work she and her husband have put into The Studio. The kids were excited to dive into the treats and punch and see pictures of themselves lining the walls.
The later part of the afternoon was heaven: I got a two hour nap in (it was much needed especially with the headache I suddenly came down with) before I headed to a wine and painting class at Pinot's Pallet. This was my first time attending one of these classes and I had a blast! If you're planning on attending a session, here's a couple of tips that may come in handy: register your group together so you can guarantee you'll all be sat together/at the same table. Luckily I did this without realizing how it worked so it wasn't an issue for us. Also, you can bring food as well as drinks. We didn't realize this and were starving by the end of our three hour class. That wasn't such a bad thing because we went to our fave Mexican restaurant and closed it down with margaritas in hand, but a couple of the groups had dips and cupcakes that looked amazing.
Sunday morning started with cartoons and silliness and sleeping in. Then we went to brunch at Chef's Kitchen. Hubs and I have been there for dinner, but this was our first time for breakfast. We had a long wait for our food (waiting for a table was only 15 minutes), but everything was cooked completely fresh. It was amazing food! Definitely one of my most favorite brunches we've had in Des Moines. Unfortunately, because of the wait time (which couldn't be helped and we totally understand that) it likely won't be on our list of regular breakfast places. It was a lot of waiting for the minis to handle!

The boys kept themselves entertained with the jelly and sugar packets.

The best omelet I've ever had: the Greek Village Omelet. It had bell peppers, feta cheese, spinach, and olives in it. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it was!

We celebrated my mother in law's birthday early since we'll be out of town on that day. She picked an excellent brunch spot!

We had plans to go to Snookies right after brunch (considering it's across the street from the restaurant) but we got done with brunch before the ice cream shop opened. Instead, we took the minis to a park for a bit to run around.
An adorable picture of Elizabeth and Grandma Sheaffer
Family pic on the playground
Matt unwittingly got a picture of my outfit, which includes my new favorite dress.

After the park we finally got our first taste of Snookies for the year! The line was crazy long (down the street long), but the line moved quickly. I foresee quite a few visits here this summer.

Harrison wanted a picture of his M & M Arctic Blast
The boys were caught in the act of beating each other. Read the entertaining story here.
Every since seeing National Parks Adventure in IMAX, the minis have been obsessed with National Parks. The kids created National Park Miller (completely made up) with the Duplos.
I'm unsure of what we'll do next weekend, but if it could be a lot like last weekend, I'd be pleased!