With the holiday season over, our living room wall was left with a bare spot when I took down our holiday painting. I was all set to put up the painting that has hung on that wall for the last two years but the minis informed me that they wanted to do a winter painting. As you can tell, the kids pretty much managed this one themselves other than me helping to trace the snowman (not that it mattered because they didn't paint inside those lines anyways!
This was a pretty straight forward painting: a large canvas (found on sale at Michael's. We buy canvases in bulk whenever Michael's has their 40% sale), light blue paint, white paint, black paint, and red paint for the hat.
Little fingers made the eyes, mouth, buttons, and "carrot" nose. We all helped with doing the falling snow (also all of our finger prints).
Things got a little out of control with the red paint when the minis made the hat.....and this folks is why we use washable paint.
The minis are very proud of their painting, so proud in fact that they wanted "to do a goofy picture in front of the snowman." So there you have it: muscles and a tongue sticking out, a little girl attempting to show her muscles, and underwear showing from the middle one. As they said, they're "really good at goofy pictures!"
The snowman picture hanging on the wall. Our basement is slowly collecting painted canvases by the minis that I have no interest in ever getting rid of. I love seeing the progress of their abilities through the canvases, but mostly I love that they love doing these all together.