Last fall we made Simple Apple Trees and parents loved them! This fall there's younger sets of kids around at daycare so I felt the need to simplify the Simple Apple Trees. Yes, it can be done.
First I started by drawing a tree top shape on white poster board and cut them out.
I set out a cup of all shades of green and had the kids color the tree tops.
When the coloring was done, I had the kids dip their pointer finger in red paint and put dots all over the tree top
for their apples.
These were easy enough to make that I even had the babies do it too! Obviously since they can't color yet, I cut out tree top shapes from green construction paper and I had to take their finger and dot the paint on. The hardest part wasn't trying to get paint on just one tiny finger, it was trying to keep their finger out of their mouth long enough for me to wash the paint off!
We've done a lot of apple themed activities this fall and have talked a lot about how apples grow. This was the perfect (easy) craft to go along with our discussions.