Friday, October 4, 2019

5 Favorites From The Week

I got really excited about a few new things I tried this week and HAD to share them on this fantastic Friday. You know, just in case you're going to make homemade play dough or want to shop for Halloween decorations or Christmas toys.

1.) This play dough recipe is amazing. It doesn't call for Cream Of Tartar (which you can go through in nothing flat when making homemade play dough) and instead uses vinegar. A daycare mom and preschool teacher shared the recipe with me. It's by far my favorite. Also, not my handwriting. My handwriting is FAR messier.

2.) Great Value Gel Food Colors: Halloween. Yes, I've used gel food coloring before, but never have the colors turned out so great. They mixed into the play dough really well too.

3.) I made pumpkin slices for the kiddos one day for morning snack. The kids cleaned the pumpkin out (using spoons because they won't touch the guts inside of the pumpkin) and I used this recipe to make it yummy. The kids didn't love them, but I sure did!

4.) Lakeshore Learning catalog came in the mail yesterday afternoon and well, daycare now has a box of new toys on the way for Christmas time!

5.) Dollar Tree Halloween decorations and crafts. I haven't had good luck with DT the last couple of years, which means I've spent an arm and a leg at Michael's for craft supplies for daycare. I happened to stop into the store closest to our house a few weeks ago and scored some amazing stuff! We now have an entire house decorated mostly with things from DT, all sensory bins for the holidays stocked full, Halloween, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas crafts are ready to go, and stocking stuffers for my minis bought.

And because I'm feeling generous today.....

+1 Extra: Soft Soap Halloween edition. The kids got extra giggly during hand washings because of the skeleton on the bottle. Anything that makes them squeal with delight is the best in my book.