Monday, September 16, 2019

A Typical September Weekend

Eating pretzels and chatting about Halloween costumes

The minis had the best time doing something they've never gotten to do: be mall rats. I had an event at the Museum most of the day. The minis enjoyed the events, played at the Museum, and then (while Hubs and I were volunteering) asked if they could walk around the mall. I hesitated to let them walk around by themselves, but I ultimately told them yes. It was great....until we couldn't find them. As it turns out they walked into the Disney section in JC Penny's and spent quite a bit of time there. Other than that little hiccup, our Touch A Truck event at the Des Moines Children's Museum was incredibly successful! We celebrated at the end of the day with "linner" (lunch and dinner combined) at Mac Shack (also in the mall).

Hubs and I both volunteered for the event (or "volun-told" as my husband calls it), but we got to take the kids around and in the trucks throughout the day.

I got super excited about seeing the firetruck's ladder all the way up (I wish I could have climbed it). The minis took one look and said "oh, cool" and went back to the camper.

This better be the only time I have a picture of her in the back of a cop car!

First time spending all day at a mall. They thought it was "sooo cool," like it was the first time it's ever been done.

Mac Shack is great! I've eaten here three times in the last two weeks (thanks to a lot of meetings and drinks) and I have yet to have anything less than stellar here. Give it a try if you're in the area!

I discovered my rocking tan lines later that night. Not only do I have flip flop lines, but now I have tennis shoe lines too.

The result of an exhausted mom is Ben & Jerry's on the living room floor.

Sunday was our day at home. Our oldest requested we do Chili Sunday's this fall. Each Sunday we stay home, watch football, and try new chili recipes. He actually makes most of the chili recipes, so it winds up being a really relaxing day for me!

On this particular Sunday their new Chromebook arrived, so the boys spent some time setting it up.

Since Sunday's will be our stay home days, all of our Saturday's for the rest of the year are pretty booked! We have some fun stuff planned this fall for our Saturday Family Fun Day.