Friday, April 19, 2019

Weekend of Play

Wow, a full weekend to do as we wished! Sure, a sick mini was involved, but we got to do things when we wanted and didn't have to make time for a thing. It was very refreshing. The minis requested a Friday night slumber party in the living room. I couldn't think of one good reason why not, so we ordered pizza and I made Peeps Rice Krispie Treats for the occasion. 

I could have easily slept in Saturday morning, but instead we got up early and moving. We dropped off supplies and helped set up the Museum for the weekend (and week's) activities. The minis got in some playing and we were in and out in no time.

This piece of art work is amazing! Last year, for the Museum's 1st birthday party, we had local artists come and help the kids make leaf imprints. They then took those leaves and made them part of this piece, which is now hanging in the Museum. It's absolutely amazing! I love how me and my whole family has been a part of the Des Moines Children's Museum from it's early beginnings. We will have such great memories and it's been such a great learning experience for us all.

We tried Chu Chu donuts for the first time. Omg! Donut Hut is still my favorite, but these were amazing. Softest donuts I've ever had in my life and so incredibly filling. Usually if the minis have donuts for breakfast, they're hungry an hour after eating. Somehow, these kept them filled up for a few hours. After donuts we made a stop at Caribou's drive thru. I splurged from my regular black coffee and tried the malted mocha. Another winner for the day! I loved this so much I actually got another one Sunday night to end the weekend.

I had my heart set on hiking. The minis weren't completely on board, but I talked them into going to Jester Park. We first enjoyed the Nature Center, then went to our favorite hiking trail. We were shocked to see part of the trail completely under water! I can't believe the Park was still flooded. The minis did get to enjoy the playscape before we went to another trail head. We made it maybe half of a mile before we ran into the flooded areas. We got some hiking in so I call it a win!

Elizabeth: "Um, mom. There's dead turkeys down there." Hunters Association meeting started just as we arrived at the Nature Center. The minis were a bit upset. Oops!

A mom and dad break while the minis ran around the Nature Center play area.

We ran into a bit of a shock (another one) when we arrived at the mini's favorite stream to cross. It appears they're putting in steps or some kind of crossing at the stream. We worked around it and made it to the other side easily.

I had to time them running across the bridge.

Of course they had to check out the flood waters and damage. I love how curious and fearless they are.

The nest/tee pee is still standing!

We came across A LOT of animal tracks! Deer, beaver, ducks. The wet mud where the water had been was perfect for spotting footprints.

We tried out natural egg dying to end our busy day. Read more about that here.

Sunday was simple. I got sleep I didn't know I needed quite so bad. I woke up refreshed after 12 hours of sleep. Then I cleaned, did laundry, spent time playing basketball with the minis, Hubs worked on building sensory tables for the Museum, grocery shopping, and we ended the day and weekend with a family dinner at our house. The only bummer for the day is that the littlest mini (Elizabeth) wasn't feeling well. What we thought was just a headache, turned into the stomach flu and days of sleeping.

Sunday snuggles.