Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A New School Year

I can't believe a new school year is underway. Summer went by in the blink of an eye and now we're headed towards the crisp, cool days and nights of fall (quickly becoming one of my favorite times of the year). The past few years I've celebrated the first days of school with days off and time to myself. I kept the tradition going by not only taking the first two days off, but I took the day before school off as well. The last day of summer vacation ended perfectly with a relaxing day, back to school afternoon, meet the dance teacher, and picking up those last minute must-haves for the school/dance year.

Elizabeth posed with The King at The Theatrical Shop after being fitted for new tap and ballet shoes.

I made it known that I was going to sleep in on this day off. After a busy summer, I wanted my first day off to start off well rested. The minis took care of themselves, getting themselves breakfast, and playing nicely together while mom slept for a bit. Then we were off!

We went shopping for healthy back to school snacks, new dance gear for Lil Miss E, and a stop at Big Acai Bowl. 

Big Acai Bowl in Valley Junction was incredibly accommodating with Max's nut allergies. Of course, Harrison insisted on peanut butter in his bowl and sat right next to Max. He's a really supportive brother. 

Back to school "night" (I put this in quotations because it's in the middle of the afternoon) means taking TONS of school supplies into school, finding classrooms and lockers, and getting all of that important information for the school year. This year the minis have new school hours (7:30 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.). I actually think, once we get into a routine, they'll love the new hours as it gives them more time in the afternoon and evenings. I'm sticking to my rule of only one night of extracurricular activities. That leaves the other evenings free for all.

Just enough time for burgers (mini's choice) before Meet the Dance Teacher. Elizabeth is soooooo excited for the new season of dance to begin. Even more excited than she is about school.

Last year's dance pictures adorn the walls at the dance studio. Elizabeth instantly picked her pictures out and proudly asked for a picture by them. I'm trying reeeaaalllly hard to keep my eye rolls under wraps because she has such amazing enthusiasm for dance (and it doesn't seem to be waning any time soon). While I totally don't understand her extra girly-ness and love for all things dance, I'm all for her positiveness and love for it.

Despite trying to get the minis in bed at a decent hour the night before the first day of school, their excitement was too great and they spent far too long attempting to fall asleep in their beds. Regardless, they easily got out of bed in the morning and quickly got ready for their first day of school.

I can hardly believe this is Max's last year of elementary school! I'm trying not to think about it too much. It seems like just yesterday he was starting at this school.

Big third grader.

First grade! I've referred to her as a kindergartener more times than I care to admit. She's not impressed with it. 

For the first time in several years, Hubs was home for back to school pictures. This means I got to jump in one as well.

I called out to them, "pose for one last picture for me please." This is what I got. Full dance pose from Elizabeth.

Yes, I followed them up to school taking pictures the whole way. Again, not impressed with mom.

I fully embraced the season of change. As soon as the minis left for school, I left for the salon. I came home with considerably shorter hair and a new color. Best way I could think of to spend my morning. In all reality, the reason I said goodbye to the long hair was because I wore it in messy buns all summer which resulted in all day headaches. This is so much better!

Then it was time for all of those little things that took a backseat during our busy summer days. I finally framed and hung a sweet picture the middle mini drew one day. I went through drawers of clothes that no longer fit the minis. I deep cleaned bedrooms and baseboards. It was a productive afternoon, followed by a productive night of writing articles. This time of year always brings plenty of freelance opportunities, which leaves me scrambling to get everything in.

The quiet house was odd and a huge change from the past twelve weeks. Even the cats were wondering why the door to the backyard wasn't opened. 

I walked in front of the neighbor's house to pick them up from school. My favorite part of the day was seeing that they were excited to see me.

The kid's school is homework free (unless there happens to be a worksheet or something they didn't finish during the school day, however, that rarely happens for us). Instead, their teachers encourage reading and writing for fun, playing outdoors, and eating dinner as a family. Done, done, and done.

The middle mini requested Tasty Taco's for their back to school dinner. Ask and you shall receive! The youngest mini doesn't like tacos, so she asked for a cold veggie dog (gross), flour chips, and guacamole. She wound up eating most of the guacamole after telling me it looked gross. Obviously it didn't taste gross!

The cat patiently waits for his....

All in all, it will be a memorable school year with all of the 'lasts' for the oldest mini, all of the adventures school brings, and all their activities to keep them growing and learning.