I've got plenty of bad habits. Loads of them. They come back at you full force when you're a parent too.
An expert smart ass who doesn't know when to stop? Who just keeps pushing and pushing pushing? Yep, got one of those.
A drama queen? Yep, one of those too.
A storyteller? Check to that too.
But then there's the bad habits that go beyond personality traits. When I was younger I loved gum. I chewed gum all of the time. The same piece of gum over multiple days. I stuck it anywhere I could, but my #1 place was the top of my entertainment shelves in my bedroom. My parents HATED it. They would constantly tell me to stop, but I never did.
Years later when they offered my old bedroom furniture to me, the top shelves was filled with gum remnants. No matter how much they or I scrubbed it, the bits of gum residue would not come off. Gross. I'm almost gagging recounting it.
So, naturally, I have a gum saver. On bowls, plates, walls. It drives me CRAZY! I can't tell you how many pieces have been forgotten on plates and gotten stuck in our sink.
I have a feeling I should have totally expected this.
Bottom line: before you have kids, think good and hard about those little bad habits you had (or have) because your kids could have them too.