With everyone out of commission last week due to whatever plague hit us all, we didn't get to do any kind of New Year celebrating. I typically do some kind of New Years celebration the last daycare day of the year, but the most I could muster this year was giant water beads and a showing of While You Were Sleeping. I knew I wanted to do something to commemorate the new year with the kiddos, so I came up with a short questionnaire for the kids.
I knew it needed to be simple enough for two year olds to understand and entertaining enough for the big kids and parents to read. First, we started with a glittery gold hand print in the middle of the paper and let it dry. Then we got talking.
Their answers were fantastic, plus for the big kids, it was a good way to get them talking about their goals for the next year: what books they wanted to read, the big things they hoped to accomplish for the year (the trapeze bar on the swing set seems to be on several to-accomplish lists). These were perfect to do this year instead of our usual vision board we do this time of year (we did our 2018 board a few months ago in September).
Good questions to ask kids for commemorative purposes and goal oriented:
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite toy?
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite show/movie?
What is your favorite thing to do with you mom and/or dad?
What is one thing you want to learn how to do?
What was your favorite thing about Christmas?
What is one thing you would change?
Who are some of your friends?
How can you be a better friend in the next year?
What is one new thing you want to do in 2018?
What is your favorite treat?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Good questions to ask kids for commemorative purposes and goal oriented:
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite toy?
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite show/movie?
What is your favorite thing to do with you mom and/or dad?
What is one thing you want to learn how to do?
What was your favorite thing about Christmas?
What is one thing you would change?
Who are some of your friends?
How can you be a better friend in the next year?
What is one new thing you want to do in 2018?
What is your favorite treat?
What do you want to be when you grow up?