I am all in mom mode at this point in my life. I've been known to shout "look a garbage truck!" with more excitement than my kids. I get giddy when I realize Fisher Price has released a new Little People set (seriously, those suckers are sooo cute!). I've even made peace with the crushed Goldfish crackers all over my life. But sometimes I get more than I bargained for. Sometimes, I mom too much and too hard.
I made sure to take this (upcoming) Thursday off as soon as the school calendar came out in August. It was the youngest mini's Halloween party and I wanted to be sure to be there. I even went a step further and signed up to be one of the mom's to host the Halloween party (at school). Easy stuff, considering I'd be throwing daycare's Halloween party the day before. I'll just do the same activities so everything could be planned, bought, and ready to go. I rarely get to be a part of my kid's daytime school activities and I've gotta admit, I was pretty giddy about wowing the kids and the school moms with my awesome activities (because surely they'll find them just as awesome as the kids here do).
Friday I received an email from the oldest mini's teacher. Apparently on back to school night, I signed up to bring treats for their class Fall Party. For the record, no date was given for the Fall Party, but in the past they did it in November. Imagine my surprise when I read that it was on the same day at the youngest mini's Halloween Party: Thursday October 27.
Ok, no worries. They have to be store bought cupcakes anyways. I'll pick them up Wednesday night and then have the kid carry them into his classroom at drop off, I consoled myself. Easy solution. Then I found out I had also signed up to bring treats/juice for the middle mini's Fall Party....also on the SAME DAY as the other two. Oh, and apparently I'm a parent that's supposed to be at the parties while they're happening.
So, to sum up my mommy mess, I have volunteered to take a day off, from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. (can we really call it a day off even???) to host THREE Halloween/Fall Parties. This means instead of spending my day with six kids, I'll be spending my day with 75 kids....who are all sugared up. This folks, is momming HARD.
* I'm pretty sure it also means mommy deserves a night out after that day.