I love doing activities that have tie in's to books (example: If You Give A Mouse A Cookie in conjunction with baking cookies, reading the book, playing a game). Last fall I bought the book Pumpkin Soup and thought it would be fun to do some kind of activity around the book. Like quite a few things, we ran out of time to do anything with it before the fall season ended. But this year I made sure to do it with the kids!
We started by reading the book and then we made pumpkin soup. The best part was eating the pumpkin soup with friend (just like in the book). While the kids didn't particularly love the pumpkin soup (it's definitely an acquired taste, but I'm proud of them all for at least trying it), it was still a very fun activity, especially as we watched the colorful leaves fall of the trees while we ate.
The perfect fall activity and meal!
We used this delicious recipe. I came across a few recipes for pumpkin soup (including one in the book) but I wanted one that was easiest for the kids. We also didn't follow direction exactly because I didn't want to let them near the hot pot. We also substituted 2% milk for the evaported milk. All in all, it turned out regardless of the order of the recipe!