Despite the rain that moved in (and has stayed all week long, boo!), we still spent time outdoors. In the rain and cold. The minis didn't mind one bit, even through their soaked clothes. In return, we stayed in on Sunday and had a day (mostly) at home.
Friday night we took an after dark walk through the neighborhood. Usually the minis have no problem doing on a walk in the dark, but on this night they were scared about raccoons running at them, deer that couldn't see them, and "there's no bears here, right mom?" I'm going to blame it on Halloween season.
And we went in our jammies. Bed was calling after we arrived home.
Slow start to Saturday since it was cold and dreary. We've been having many slow starts lately since our weekday mornings are rushed.

To cut down on running to a drive thru while we're out, I have the minis make themselves sandwiches and snacks to bring with us, especially if we're going to be out around a mealtime. This has really cut down on the amount we eat out, we eat healthier, and we've saved money! The minis are excited to go on a road trip at the end of the month because they know they'll get McDonald's while we're on the road!
With a look at the forecast and seeing all rain, we decided to beat the rain and head to one of our favorite pumpkin patches: Geisler Farms. Our main reason for the visit was for pumpkins, gourds, hay bales, and corn stalks. I buy these every year of our daycare "pumpkin patch." Once we shopped, we played.
The bonus to going on a cold day with chances of rain is that we were some of the very few people there. We had a blast jumping on the bounce pillow that we had to ourselves. However, the most fun were the peddle cars. We might have spent some solid time racing each other over and over again because, well, there was no one waiting for a turn.
"All I want is what I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share." I was Sally Brown for a moment.
Tractor pull
We had a family reunion later in the afternoon. My three played in the rain through the entire thing. The rain had nothing against the kids and a pinata full of candy!
We squeezed in just enough time after the reunion for showers to warm up (everyone was soaking wet and freezing) and a trip to Target, before meeting the other side of the family for dinner.
Um, so Target has track suits straight from the 80's. As I felt the swishy pants (no pictured) I actually shuddered a little bit. Of course, my daughter thought these were the coolest thing ever and hopes I can find some in her size. She would have done well in the 80's.
They're in love with their youngest cousin Nora.
New jammies to end the busy day. We kind of fit a full day's worth of activities within several hours.
Sunday was a little more laid back, with naps, soups at Grandma's house, and getting the house ready for the week.
It was time for a toy rotation and Halloween decorating.
Relaxing with the cat, who loves it when we're all home and sitting around (because that's how he lives). We've been making a priority to have more of these days at the minis request.