Heading out on field trips is nearly impossible for daycare, unless numbers are low (and I can talk Hubs into having the minivan for the day since we're a one vehicle family) or we choose to go somewhere we can walk to. Last Friday we chose the latter.
A few Friday's ago we walked to the creek near our house to go exploring for animal prints. The kiddies loved it so much that when my three minis Field Day came up at school, I decided to turn it into a field trip for daycare rather than take the day off.
Our "hike" through the neighborhood creek.
Like most things involving kids, I had no idea how the kiddos would do on our adventure to the elementary school for Field Day, but we packed a blanket to sit on, extra sunscreen and bug spray, snacks, wipes, and water bottles and walked to the end of our street (to the school). We had some fun inside of the school saying hi to the kids we knew and then made our way to the playground and field.
We laid our blanket in a spot where we could see all of the activities, but we sure didn't use it long! When teachers, staff, and student helpers saw the kiddos watching nicely, they invited them to join in on the activities! The kids LOVED it!
Towards the end they played on the school playground too! We went from not knowing how long we'd be up at school to being there for over two hours! It was a great morning that left me thankful for my cute, well behaved daycare kiddos and my ability to enjoy my children's school activities during the days.