Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Our Snowy Early Christmas


Some of the first presents we bought for Christmas were snowboards and snow tubes. When we got our first significant snowfall two weekends ago, we decided to have a small Christmas morning early and give the minis those gifts. It was a such a fun surprise to pull off! Plus, it gave them a weekend of fun in the snow!

Being in isolation in the cold weather months is rough for those of us who like to get out and do things. This snowy morning gave us something to do and gave us lasting memories. I think the funniest portion of the weekend was me attempting to help the boys snowboard, when I myself have no clue how! I watched the YouTube videos right along with them.

The dog hopped through the freshly fallen snow like a rabbit!

Before heading out to the hills in our neighborhood, we had a hot, filling breakfast of eggs, bisuits and gravy, and tea.

Our hilly neighborhood isn't easy to navigate in the winter, but it makes for some great sledding! We don't have to pack up the car to go play in the snow, we just have to walk up the hill. Our neighborhood is fairly quiet as well, so if it works out, sometimes we even sled in the streets! On this day, we went to the school yard and attempted to snowboard, used the snow tube too many times to count, and frolicked in the snow for a few hours. It was great! Even when we came home to get warm, the minis were only home for a bit before they went back to play.

A break from the snow to drink hot chocolate and watch Godmothered. All received four stars.

We had the perfect snowy day dinner: homemade Italian stew. My grandma's recipe, made by Hubs. It was delicious!

Sunday was much like Saturday: play in the snow, attempt to snow board, go sledding, drink hot chocolate. Sunday evening we piled in the car, blasted Christmas carols, and looked at Christmas lights. We stopped by my parents for their yearly baked goodies, which means the minis were sugared up before bedtime.
A minis decaf coffee with a cherry candy cane in it for "flavoring." I couldn't get on board with this one, so I did not try it.

We're on our second round of new winter coats this season. These minis have played outside so much this cold weather season that they're clothes are getting worn out! As much as I don't like spending all of that money on new clothes, coats, gloves, etc. I really wouldn't have it any other way.

This was the look she went for when we left to look at lights.

I failed to bring the dog's water dish, so Max had to get creative and put the water in his hand!

My favorite tree.